Pay, Entitlements & Contracts

Contract Checks
Can you answer all of the below questions? If not, you're at risk of being underpaid and subject to unfair contract terms.
- Are you under the State or Federal system? Warning: not everyone is covered by Fair Work.
- Do you come under an Award or Agreement, if so, which one(s)?
- Does your contract meet the BOOT test when compared to your Award/Agreement?
- What is your employment status?
- Does your contract have an end date?
- Are you an employee, contractor or a 'sham contractor'?
Common risks employees face by not understanding their contract:
- Not checking if their salary is inclusive or exclusive of Superannuation.
- Not understanding IP, restraint of trade and/or non-compete clauses.
- Leaving the company too soon, and owing the company thousands in training expenses.
Requesting Pay Rises
There's different ways in which you can receive a pay rise; and different ways to go about it.
With an HR expert on your side, give yourself the best chance for your boss to say yes.
When there's a will there's a way! Let us show you other strategic means by which you can increase your take home pay.
Get My Pay Rise!

Underpayments & Overpayments
There are specific rules and processes around under and over payments.
Employers have audit processes in place to detect overpayments, but what are you doing to ensure you haven't been underpaid?
Get Employii on your side, and let us do it for you!
Get Paid Right!HR Education
One of the biggest perks to joining Employii is gaining access to a bunch of HR tips and tricks.
We also have a range of online courses available to purchase to upskill and get the most out of your career.
View Online Courses!